What end of life care involves | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Whatispalliativecare?...Endoflifecareincludespalliativecare.Ifyouhaveanillnessthatcannotbecured,palliativecaremakesyouascomfortableaspossible, ...
End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life.
End of life care should help you to live as well as possible until you die and to die with dignity. The people providing your care should ask you about your wishes and preferences and take these into account as they work with you to plan your care.
They should also support your family, carers or other people who are important to you.
You have the right to express your wishes about where you would like to receive care and where you want to die. You can receive end of life care at home[1], in a care home[2], hospice[3] or be cared for in hospital[4], depending on your needs and preference.
Palliative and End | 合法醫療器材資訊網
What are palliative care and end of life care? | 合法醫療器材資訊網
The Difference Between Palliative Care and End of Life Care ... | 合法醫療器材資訊網
End of life and palliative care explained | 合法醫療器材資訊網
What end of life care involves | 合法醫療器材資訊網
What Are Palliative Care and Hospice Care? | 合法醫療器材資訊網
The Difference Between Palliative Care and End | 合法醫療器材資訊網
What's the difference between palliative care and end | 合法醫療器材資訊網
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