Sacral Thrust Test | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Purpose[edit|editsource]...Thesacralthrusttestisapainprovocationtestusedtodiagnosesacroiliacdysfunction.Onesinglepositivetestdoesnothavehigh ...
The sacral thrust test is a pain provocation test used to diagnose sacroiliac dysfunction[1]. One single positive test does not have high diagnostic accuracy but a combination with other sacroiliac pain provocation tests gives valid evidence for sacroiliac dysfunction. The test is also known as:
Sacral compression test Downwards pressure test Sacral spring testWith the patient prone, the examiner applies an anteriorly directed pressure over the sacrum. One hand is placed directly on the sacrum and is being reinforced by the other hand. The purpose is to apply an anterior shear force to both sacroiliac joints since the ilia are fixed by the examination bench. The test is positive if pain is reproduced in the sacroiliac region. [1][2][2]
The gold stand...
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