Boston Brace 3D for Idiopathic Scoliosis | 合法醫療器材資訊網
TheBoston3DSystemintheNon-OperativeManagementofIdiopathicScoliosis.Purpose:ToensuretheclinicalteamiscurrentwithTheBostonBraceSystem ...
Purpose:To ensure the clinical team is current with The Boston Brace System clinical guidelines and understand the role of all the members of the clinical team in the non-operative treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Who should attend:Orthotists, Technicians, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Physicians and Residents that treat patients with idiopathic scoliosis.
Presenters: TBD - dependent on the scheduleUpcoming Course Offering[1]
Program: Chapter 1: Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Overview 1. Introduction (lecture) Introduce instructors and course participants The purpose of the course is outlined and methods described Benefits and criteria for becoming a Certified Boston Brace Scoliosis expert 2. Define Scoliosis and Pathomechanics of Progression ...Boston Brace 3D for Scoliosis | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Scoliosis Curve Corrections Wearing the Boston Brace 3D | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Boston Brace 3D® Frequently Asked Questions | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Advanced Boston Brace 3D | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Boston Brace 3D for Idiopathic Scoliosis | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Boston Brace 3D | 合法醫療器材資訊網
【護康軀幹護具 (未滅菌)】許可證字號:衛部醫器製壹字第008856號
【波士頓矯形裝具 (未滅菌)】許可證字號:衛署醫器輸壹字第003925號