Halo Brace (for Parents) | 合法醫療器材資訊網
WhatIsaHaloBrace?...Ahalobraceholdstheheadandneckinplacesothatthebonesofthespine(vertebrae)canhealfromaninjuryorsurgery.Kidswhohave ...
What Is a Halo Brace?A halo brace holds the head and neck in place so that the bones of the spine (vertebrae) can heal from an injury or surgery. Kids who have a halo brace can move around and do many of their regular activities while healing.
What Are the Parts of the Halo Brace?The parts of a halo brace include:
a halo (a metal ring that surrounds the head) pins that attach the halo to the head a vest made of plastic or plaster (like a cast[1]) a liner that goes under the vest to make it more comfortable and prevent skin irritation rods that go from the halo to the persons shoulders, where they fasten to the vest Is a Halo Brace Painful?No, the halo brace should not cause pain. Some kids get headaches[2], especially while eating, but this usually goes away after the child gets used to the brace.
If the pai...
Halo Brace After a Spinal Cord Injury | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Cervical Spine Bracing Options: Halo Ring | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Halo For Neck Stabilization | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Halo Brace (for Parents) | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Halo Brace | 合法醫療器材資訊網
What's a Halo? | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Halo Brace Placement | 合法醫療器材資訊網
Halo Brace | 合法醫療器材資訊網
68 Halo brace ideas | halo brace, braces | 合法醫療器材資訊網